Purchasing management

Purchasing management is the management of purchasing process, and related aspects in an organization. Because of production companies purchase nowadays about 70% of their turnover, and service companies purchase approximately 40% of their turnover [1], purchasing management is one of the most critical areas in the entire organization and needs intensive management. Purchasing management also covers the areas of outsourcing and insourcing. Models used to aid purchasing managers include the Newsboy model as well as the Order up To (OUT) model.


Purchasing Process

Purchasing Process includes as usual 8 main stages as follows:

  1. Requisitioning
  2. Approving
  3. Studying Market
  4. Making Purchase Decision
  5. Placing Orders
  6. Receipting Goods and Services Received
  7. Accounting Goods and Services
  8. Receiving Invoices and Making Payment
  9. Debit note in case of material defect

Purchasing Management Process

Purchasing Management Process consists usually of 3 stages:

  1. Purchasing Planning
  2. Purchasing Tracking
  3. Purchasing Reporting

Purchasing Planning

Purchasing Planning may include steps as follows:

Purchasing Tracking

Purchasing Tracking consists of:

Purchasing Reporting

Purchasing Reporting includes:


  1. ^ "UTIPS education". University of Twente. 2006-02-13. http://www.mb.utwente.nl/ompl/chairs/utips/education/. Retrieved October 2007. "Production companies purchase nowadays approximately 70% of their turnover, service companies purchase approximately 40% of their turnover!"